17 February 2010


I hope you like the new layout of the blog.  I thought the old one was a little too narrow, but now the picture posts look a little odd!  It will remain a work in progress.  You will note that I have added a link to Dolen Cymru.  They are the body that support the link between Lesotho and Wales from the Welsh side.  They have been invaluable to Kit and I in our move and if there is anyone out there that is tempted by our experience and would like to come out, I would recommend contacting them.


The week so far has gone relatively smoothly.  I have,  however, been battling with a little more bureaucracy after having a week off it last week!  It is all part of the experience of Lesotho but it does take me away from the hospital where I am very much needed.  At work I am continuing to develop a feel for what can be done and how.  Tomorrow I intend to go out and visit a site on the outskirts of the city which hosts a large outpatient HIV centre, the TB clinic for Maseru and the multi-drug resistant TB unit for the country.  It is also the site of the new hospital which is due to replace the QE II within the next couple of years.  If possible, I hope to eventually spend time there on a regular basis.  More news about that in due course.


Kit and I have just returned from our first game of tennis.  We joined the Lesotho National Tennis Club which is a 10 minute walk round the corner.  I took some tips from Kit after her recent lessons in Bristol, which did improve the usually poor part of my game, my serve.  Unfortunately I was so amazed I kept serving in I was never ready for her return and she beat me once again quite convincingly!  There is a lovely tennis coach at the club who offered me some lessons (I didn’t realise I looked that bad!) I might take him up on the offer.


It is a just a short one today... but more news with pictures of us on ponies after the weekend I hope!!


  1. Oooh, I thought they weren't letting you on the ponies - will look forward to pictures!

    How exciting that you are already playing tennis at a national level ... I guess that's another advantage of living in a small country ;)


  2. Matt with all this exercise I just wont recognise you... please keep the lady lumps!!!
