27 January 2010

Last day in the UK

We survived the "drink the house dry" party; although I'm not sure everyone else did! Many thanks to your efforts. Kit is "enjoying" an emergency visit to the dentist whilst I am procrastinating with packing. I must get round to it at some point today. We fly early tomorrow, so this will be goodbye Bristol and hello Lesotho!


  1. All the best of luck from a fellow survivor (though only just)!

    Kit, when we have dental emergencies in the Maldives, we tie our teeth with rope to a chicken's legs...and let it fly. Hope you fare better in Lesotho :)

  2. Lieve Kit en Matthieu heel veel geluk en veel plezier in het komende jaar. Ik wens jullie een 'rustige'reis


  3. Definitely only just survived (and certainly did drink the house dry (Matt!)) - what a great party! Thank you!

    Hope you guys have arrived safely. Thinking of you and sending happy thoughts across the ocean! Rach xx ps. dentists are rubbish.

  4. I don't understand all those profile thingies.. so i'll be 'anonymous Rach' from now on.... (blonde) xxx
