03 May 2010

Cornish Pasties & Kit's third week of work commences

Work has begun (finally!). I am working in the ENT department at the QEII Hospital. It is a small team that I work with: 3 doctors and 3 nursing staff with some audiological experience. And that is it for the whole country… incredible!!! They work hard against all the odds – lack of equipment, space (they have only 2 small rooms and a waiting area), drugs and so on. Yet they keep high spirits and have been very welcoming to me despite it seeming that I am a bit of a Jinx. The week I arrived in January, the outreach audiology service ceased to run due to the Ministry discontinuing funding and then the day I start in the ENT department the one and only functioning audiometer (used to test hearing) in the country stops working. I think it was probably over 20 years old but still...it does mean that offering any kind of audiology service near impossible at present. Luckily I have struck gold with a doctor who has been working over here who has some funding and so a new audiometer is being purchased ready for me to collect at the beginning of June from South Africa.

Once an audiometer is in situ in the department I can really begin to fulfil my role as an audiologist. My aim is to develop the diagnostic and rehabilitation service and the patient information available. One of my colleagues is keen to visit the districts to run screening clinics and training days for local staff. These may be 4-5 day stints in the far reaches of the country and I am very keen to assist. We will need more equipment for this to happen so that is my next challenge. More writing of letters I think. It is very sad that the Ministry of Health do not seem to think audiology a priority and it is difficult not to get despondent about this. But I will remain positive and try and achieve at least some of my aims whilst here.

Until the audiometer arrives, my working day consists mainly of seeing patients requiring a medical examination for the purposes of starting school or work. They come and visit the numerous departments in the hospital to get the ‘all clear’. I do the ear, nose and throat checks...a little bit more than I am used to, but the doctors are there to assist if I have any queries and it certainly relieves some of the burden they are under with the daily influx of patients.

Two weeks in and each day holds a different experience...operations in the waiting room, beetles in ears, watching laryngoscopies and of course developing my ear-related Sesotho vocabulary a little each day.

Besides work, Matt and I are having quieter weekends based in Maseru until we return to the UK at the end of May. Last Friday, Matt attended koninginnedag (a celebration of the Queen of the Netherlands birthday) and met some other Netherlanders working in Lesotho. On the Saturday, we had been invited to run a stall at the Indian Association of Lesotho’s International Food Festival. With Helen’s help we represented Wales and England and offered delicacies such as welsh cakes, gingerbread, jam tarts and flapjacks. We sold out of all the sweets (the children were our best customers!) but sadly not of all Matt’s beef Cornish pasties...perhaps not the best choice of produce at a predominantly Hindu gathering! The sun shone and we had a fun day of sampling foods and meeting new people. On that note....I’m off to eat yet another Cornish pasty.....


  1. Hahah, loving the cornish pasty story! I have never made cornish pasties. I shall look forward to a lesson from Matt one day.

    Sorry that you are undergoing such tribulations work-wise but I commend your persistence and hope it will all start to go a bit more smoothly soon. What is the most bizarre ear-related word you have learned so far?!

    Had dinner with Nicky last night and we are starting to firm up the details of our respective, overlapping trips - will email you this weekend with some details - so excited now things are starting to take shape!

    Big hugs from both of us and licky kisses from the wee man xxx

  2. "Both of us" being me and Pete, and "the wee man" being Newton! Just read that back and it sounds like "both of us" is me and Nicky, and "the wee man" is Pete!!
