27 April 2010

Surprise visit from Tim and we're legal

We were doing a reasonable job at settling back into a routine after the excitement of our trip to KwaZulu-Natal. We even managed to get back to playing a couple of games of tennis. The holiday did no favours for my fitness and it was good to work up a sweat again. In the middle of the week we heard that Tim was going to visit. He was out in Botswana for work, but couldn’t get back because of the volcano. So instead of a quiet weekend in Maseru... Tim came to stay!! We went out in town on Friday. We had to attend Sesotho lessons... it had been four weeks since our last class! On Saturday morning we awoke with minor hangovers to an overcast sky. Despite this we were out of the house before 9 o’clock and on the way to Semonkong. Yes, Kit had recently been there, but was happy to show her bro and hubby! The drive was special... the majority of the journey visibility was a mere few feet due to the low lying clouds. We arrived lunch, and whilst we tucked in holes appeared in the clouds. With our bellies full, we set out on the stroll to the majestic Maletsunyane falls. It is the highest waterfall in southern Africa and quite a spectacle. We were able to lounge around in the sun and take in the views until quite late in the afternoon. We headed back before sunset and as the sun disappeared the temperature started to drop. By the time we showered and got ready for dinner, it was quite nippy indeed. Fortunately there was a crackling fire welcoming us in the dining room-cum-bar. We had a truly gorgeous meal (the best I have had out in Lesotho), played a little pool and returned to the room before lights out at 10 o’clock. Unfortunately we didn’t get a room with an open fire... the lodge was fully booked, so we had to make do with an electric heater in our room. This was quite adequate, until the electricity went off. We all slept under two blankets and two duvets. The frost on the grass and cars in the morning was visual evidence of the bitter cold of the night. The important thing is we survived and the morning was glorious... not as cloud in the sky. We had a very different drive back, with numerous stops for photographs of super views. I am really trying not to get overly accustomed to them! Tim unfortunately headed off to Jo’burg on Sunday afternoon. The weekend ended with a little soiree at ours with the Welsh teachers. Not what we were expecting but a wonderful weekend and a terrific surprise to see Tim!

I’m sure you will not find my other bit of news as exciting as me, but I’m going to tell you anyway! Kit and I are finally living and working in Maseru legally! We will have been here three months this weekend. It has taken that long with innumerate visits to various ministerial departments to get multiple documents which in turn needed to be copied, certified and taken to other departments. Last week I got my work permit and today we got our temporary residents permit! I have kept note of all the steps involved. If anyone plans to come and work in Lesotho get in touch first and hopefully your experience of the bureaucracy will not be as detailed as mine!

Kit has started work... I’m sure she’ll tell you all about it. I am still waiting for my research to get started, but the grant cheque has arrived. Crazily we’re turning our minds to our trip back to the UK next month. This year is really flying past... hopefully not too fast.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see you all together and having such a jolly time (apart from Jeepy, who looks a bit exhausted by the whole thing). And yay for being legal! I'm sure you will miss the thrill of being illegal aliens...
    SOOO looking forward to seeing you next month! Can't believe it's creeping up so soon already!
