20 August 2010

Matt's Birthday Weekend - Celebration & Surprises in Pretoria

Last Friday we set off on a road trip to Pretoria. We were giving a lift to our neighbour Dr Soe who was off to visit his son, and our friend Chris who was heading up North for a job interview. We travelled a new route to Jo’Burg using Dr Soe’s SatNav. Vast expanses of farm land with the occasional settlement dotted the way. It was a hot afternoon and made hotter by the fires that burnt on the verges next to the road – I think it is to get rid of pests and to clear the ground quickly but when everything is so dry the fires spread fast. We stopped for petrol and a late lunch with the only food on offer being a fat cake filled with minced beef! A fat cake is a deep-fried doughnut batter and is a traditional food over here. This was my first taste of this slimming delicacy and was pleasantly surprised although I am sure my arteries couldn’t take them too often!

We arrived at night and were thankful for the SatNav as we negotiated our way to Greg and Elonah’s NEW house! It was great to see it and to hear about all their exciting renovation plans. We had a cosy night catching up and watching a film before heading to our bed, which they had only purchased that evening. Next morning was their house warming breakfast and it was a scorcher of a day. Everyone headed out to their front garden enjoying pancakes, coffee and chats. It was great to meet so many of their friends who we will be seeing again at their wedding in Cape Town in December.

After a fabulous morning the afternoon took a little turn when Elonah’s sister came down stairs reporting that the two bathrooms were starting to flood. 4 hours later after a cast-iron bath was removed, an emergency plumber called-out and some frantic mopping, things settled down. A burst pipe has meant that reverb plans are to now start with the bathrooms! Such a shame.

After showers (back at Elonahs) we headed off for the second (and more pleasant) surprise of the day – Matt’s birthday meal. We were taken to a Lebanese restaurant where we sat on a rug and ate amazing meze, drank lots of red wine and Matt enjoyed the odd belly dance or two! Happy times!

Our week back at work has been fairly uneventful. Matt has finally signed his work contract this morning and he should be paid at the end of next month. Yippeeee! The weather is warming up and patients are attending hospital again in large numbers. I am still trying to work out how and who can assist with the next step in setting up a sustainable hearing aid service. My first round of emails to hearing aid companies has not led to anything yet. But I have some other thoughts so will try to remain optimistic. Matt and I are finding that we go through phases of being very driven and motivated to get things moving and then when results are minimal and the system is so resistant to change we hit a slump. We seem to be taking it in turns so at least when one of us is feeling frustrated the other one can push you on and vice versa. Matt’s days are certainly fuller than mine and the strain of working in the system is showing itself more and more. But all in all, despite the challenges, the experience is invaluable.

We are off this afternoon to explore the South of Lesotho – new territory for us! Very excited. If possible I think Matt is even more excited about this road trip because not only is it with his beloved Jeepy but he will be using his brand new TomTom GPS device which was purchased last weekend after Matt discovered travelling with a SatNav makes for a happier marriage!! More news soon.

1 comment:

  1. Mmn fat cake - sounds delish - a bit like a Findus crispy pancake in my mind?! Glad you have got a sat nav and will be able to advise us on exciting routes from A-B ... I don't think we are going to invest in one, it will be trusty old maps for us! xxx
