16 June 2010


Football seems to be the focus of life in Lesotho at the moment, but somehow work is being fit in around the matches!  Bafana Bafana are playing this evening again, so I am sure the fever and noise of the vuvuzelas will rise!  The fever has not been hot enough to prevent snow!  Yesterday morning it was bitterly cold with ominous looking clouds in the sky.  About half an hour after getting to work we had our first experience of African snow!  It didn’t settle, but I am told it has higher up in the mountains.  So, Kit and I are heading off with Helen to Semonkong for the weekend for a bit of hiking or sledging!! 


1 comment:

  1. Hallo to you both - sorry for the radio silence - we've had a manic few weeks culminating in Glastonbury (got back yesterday) and a wedding in Malta (leaving in a couple of hours). Brief news is that all is well, Newton has been gorging himself on chips, grapes and pineapple and is now in single storey accommodation more befitting an old man. We are tanned and chilled post Glasto and looking forward to more tanning and chilling in Malta! Will send a proper catch up email when we get back and next time we are at home at a sensible time will also try to Skype you! Hope you are still enjoying the footie and the snow xxx
