14 March 2010

A weekend NOT away

For a change Kit and I decided to stay in Maseru this weekend. The week just gone was interspersed with the first of many public holidays. Thursday 11th March was Moshoeshoe day in celebration of the first king of Lesotho, Moshoeshoe I. We had seen his grave last weekend on top of Thaba Bosiu. There was not as much going on in the way of celebrations, which was a little bit of a disappointment. The city appeared to make up for it on Saturday though, as there was music and partying into the small hours.

The working week, was otherwise unremarkable. Kit is unfortunately still waiting for the Ministry of Health to approve her application to volunteer at the QE II.

This weekend we played some tennis (again I lost!) we watched the rugby and this afternoon we ventured out with our sketch books. I thought it was time I got in touch with my "arty side". Some might say, I have yet to find it based on the performance below! We found an area of Maseru called Happy Villa, which looked out over the Caledon river towards the Free State of South Africa. One of the two interpretations is Kit's and the other mine... I won't say which!!

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