06 February 2010

End of the first week

We are settling in well to our flat and realising that we will have to adjust our body clocks back several hours to keep ‘in sinc’ with the movements of the city. It wakes early and as we are only a short distance behind the main high street we are wide awake before 6am with the beeping taxi drivers and bird song. I’m sure we’ll get used to it soon. 


On Thursday night we ventured out for an evening with a group of teachers who have come over as part of the Lesotho Wales Link. They have been teaching in the rural areas north of Maseru for 1 month now and were back in Maseru for a training weekend. We had a lovely evening – dinner and quiz.  It was great hearing about some of their experiences. There are plans to meet up again for rugby watching this evening....I may have to keep my England allegiances quiet.


On the work front – Matt got all his papers signed and certified and started work on Thursday morning on the wards at the QEII Hospital. It is a short walk from our apartment block just 100m up the main Kingsway. A much shorter the ‘international’ commute than he had  from Bristol to Cardiff! He will write more about his experiences I’m sure.

One of the teachers I met last night is keen for me to visit the school she is at in the North.  Deaf children are integrated into the mainstream school and she is teaching with an interpreter.  I am planning to drive there in the next couple of weeks (once I get a better feel for the roads and driving slightly Sri Lanka style...eek!).  I am still waiting to hear from the ‘Hark’ project but hope I am able to volunteer with them. Otherwise I am sure there are other avenues to investigate.  Housewifely duties will not keep me occupied for long (sorry Matt!).


We are up early and heading over the boarder soon for a trip to Bloemfontein and back for the rugby in the evening.  I’ve attached a some photos of our apartment and views from it.   


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